Megan & Sequoia

May 11, 20205 min

Episode #23. Wonder in the RAIN: Dancing through Pacific Northwest Puddles

Enjoy some splashy watery puddle fun on a rainy day in the Pacific Northwest. There is a lot of good that can come from singing and dancing in the rain… of course, having a place to dry off afterwards is helpful. May this creative & fun-filled rainy day vlog inspire you to enjoy the next rainy day when it comes. Click the VIDEO below & WATCH this week's WONDER filled & hopefully inspiring short film.

This April 2020 in the Pacific Northwest the weather was unusually dry and sunny, and made for many gorgeous beautiful Spring days. All month long, we had been talking about how when it actually rained again, that we would go outside and play in the rain. Then on April 22nd, which was also the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, it rained almost all day long. We knew this was the day we had been talking about! We put on our rain coats, grabbed the rainbow colored umbrella and headed outside into the rain to play and have fun experiencing the wetness.

The pitter patter, spitter spatter drew me to wonder,

What does it feel like to have splishy sploshy splashy fun?

What does it feel like to let the “don’t get wet” thoughts swirl down a storm drain?

What does it feel like to be in the rainy action rather than be an indoor bystander.

Plip, plop, drip, drop liquid sunshine

Inspiring a sort of liberating whooshin and shwooshin.

Jumpin pouncin splashin dancin funin

A downpour ripple drippling a blur from a line.

They say no rain, no rainbows

No flowers no meadows.

What about no wonder, no joy?

Without curiosity there can be no ploy.

~ Excerpt from Megan Bloom's poem and narration

It is noteworthy how much memorable joy, stress reduction, and peace can be experienced by playing outside in the rain. It is easy to think "got to stay dry, don't get wet". Why not sometimes get wet? It was extraordinarily liberating to say, "I am going to go really splash about in puddles of water and get wet" and then actually do it. This day and the puddle splashing activity, will not be forgotten. It was really fun to splash, play and dance in rain and puddles.

If you ever have to release some tension, go play in a puddle...

When we launched Sea Tree Wonder, our vision was to intentionally find, experience and share our "finding wonder journey" with the world through film, photos, and writing, and in the process become more intentional appreciators of life. Without the daily commitment to find wonder in the simple and grand, we don't know if we ever would have been so excited to go play in puddles of water while it was raining. Thankfully, we now know how much fun and how much wonder can be experienced by letting go, getting really wet just playing in the rain. We have worked outside in the rain plenty of times, and that's totally different. We have also camped in the rain, which can make a camping trip really tough. Truly letting ourselves PLAY outside was a unique and very liberating experience. We hope this video inspires you to let loose and play in the rain.

In this video, we share that we fell in love with the rain in our adventures among the giant Redwoods of Northern California... the rain is a special and dear part of the Redwoods love story. If you haven't seen our tribute short film to the inspiring Redwoods, you might really enjoy watching "Giant Coast REDWOODS - Experience Inspiring Wonder & Magic"...

We might have fall in love with the beauty of the rain in the Redwoods, though on this rainy day in the Pacific Northwest, we became puddle dancing hobbyists.

Rain is an incredible natural Earthly process…

Too little rain is no good.

Too much rain can be very bad.

Just natural dose of rain, is oh so very WONDERful!

** Note: please be safe & make healthy choices when you “play in the rain”. Be smart in your outdoor recreation activities. There are many ways to have fun in the rain without endangering yourself or others.

Share & interact with us in the

COMMENT section below…

In the comments, share with us a comment of something that you are appreciating in your daily life right now. No wonderment is too simple to appreciate. By actually writing down something that you really appreciate, you’ll feel happier.

(here on our website, or on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Patreon)

~ What do you enjoy about the rain?

~ Rain inspired “wonderments”…?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. Together, we can inspire & uplift each other through sharing gratitude, joy, inspiration, and wonder with each other.

Episode Credits:

In this film, all video & photos were filmed by the two of us.

~ Exception includes photos licensed through Unsplash, “Cracked Earth Drought” by RedCharlie, “Flooding” by Chris Gallagher, “Storm Clouds” by Harshit Sharma, “Rainbow” by Todd Cravens, "Cup of Coffee” by Ben Libby & “Tip Jar” by Sam Dan Truong.

The WONDERful MUSIC that goes into underscoring our videos

is ALL licensed through Artlist.

Musical Artists heard in THIS FILM:

~ Zac Nelson, Ian Post, Peter John, Josh Fuhrmeister, Racoon Racoon, Kolby Knickerbocker and Marc Robillard

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COMMENT & INTERACT: Your likes, comments, shares & subscribing to the channel REALLY HELP the videos get shown to more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the HAPPIER world we can all help create!

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We invite you to connect, follow and share the Sea Tree Wonder journey online with your friends & family! We’re creating many fun & interactive posts throughout each week.

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You can make a gift to our "Tip jar" using "Buy Me a Coffee" (with Paypal)

Friends, please make safe & healthy daily choices. During this Coronavirus pandemic, stay healthy by keeping more than adequate physical distancing between yourself and others. Do it for yourself and everyone you love. We are ALL part of the solution, and because of that hope & wonder abounds!

Cheers to appreciating the "wonderings" that are so wonderful that they make you want to dance & make a splash!

Your friends,

Wendy (Sequoia Win’Ni) & Megan

and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane

P.S. You can sign up (below) for our email newsletter to join in on the Wonder Journey. We’ll send you smiles, hugs, wonderments, encouragement and inspiration to your inbox each time we have a new weekly video episode to share.
