Megan & Sequoia

Jun 6, 20217 min

Episode #33. What is WONDERMENT? - How to Live JOYfully Everyday

Enjoy this uplifting & inspiring story filled with DANCE and a lot of WONDER! With the backdrop of changing seasons, learn about the countless “wonderments” of life in a day. Click to WATCH the video!

Join us and our two dogs as we share inspiring ideas for creating DAILY HAPPINESS, explore the beauty of the outdoors and NATURAL WONDERS, all while appreciating life’s grand & simple “wonderments” as we transition from life in a regular big house to a custom wooden RV TINY HOUSE one wheels.

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When we launched our "wonder quest", these were the questions that we were asking ourselves...

~ What is a key ingredient of living a remarkable life?

~ What is it that makes living everyday life meaningful?

~ While our jobs, pastimes, relationships, physical health and monetary status certainly sway all of our schedules, those perimeters do not define what it means to live a purposeful life.

~ What is it that makes daily life exceptional?

Through our WONDER filled adventures & experiences, this is what we we have discovered...

“Wonderment” inspires joyful living, creativity, new ideas, happiness, gratitude, and a long list of awesomeness… Wonderment is a state of awe, and a wonderment is something that inspires one to say,

“Wow! What a wonder!”.

Appreciating wonders does not make daily hardships go away, though it does help make life an adventure… and life as an adventurer is a whole lot more fun! Work and chores still have to be done, though counting the wonders while you do them, is key in creating happiness. And what is it that we all want to be anyways? Happy, right?!

If something inspires wonder and awe, then it is worth appreciating.

No wonderment is too small to appreciate

if it inspired you to feel wonder.

Realizing that waking up each morning is a gift, to not be taken for granted, has a pretty profound way of making the whole wake up and get out of bed process more wonder filled…

It is amazing how good it feels inside to watch another creature experience joy and wonderment. Isn’t is it fun to watch play? No one ever gets too old to play or to watch play. Perhaps if we all embraced play a bit more in our lives, we would be a whole lot happier!

Do you ever look forward to eating your next meal? We do! The whole experience of eating, tasting, chewing and drinking is so fulfilling and it’s amazing how when you slow down enough to really savor every bite and every taste, the experience really is one of great wonderment.

Curiosity is a wonder worth appreciating!

We all have the capacity to let ourselves be curious.

The question is what adventures could our curiosity inspire?

Appreciating wonderments often inspires me to DANCE!

When I am moved by wonder, the rhythm of life cannot be ignored...

Daily life brings wonderful surprises if you are open to seeing surprise delights… On one such day, we had a surprise visit from a trio of ducks!! Their adorable duck charm inspired great wonderment!

One of the greatest wonderments of life, are good friends. We are experiencing that in full bloom. A couple extraordinary people were willing to let us work on our tiny house while living at their place for a short bit of time. Though everything with everything is taking longer than planned to complete, and that short bit of time has turned into a need for a longer amount of time. With unforgettable graciousness, these two special people are sharing their home with us. Friends like that are ultimate wonderments.

In the Pacific Northwest, we have seasons; Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Each season offers something to appreciate that no other season seems to offer. Guess that’s kind of like our actual human lives too… We all have seasons of our lives, and if we look for the wonders of each era, we realize how one-of-a-kind each experience really is and the whole idea of rushing to the next thing suddenly looses it’s appeal. The next season will come, and when it does, it will be special, though in the meantime, savoring the present might just be the key to that exceptional life we have been talking about.

Wonderment Muscle?

Isn’t it amazing how good it feels to get outside and go for a walk? Fresh air and movement feel good. The more we make walking an everyday activity, the easier it is to make it a daily habit. Going for a daily walk soon becomes a daily practice.

Appreciating wonderments is like going for a good walk outside in nature. You know it makes life more remarkable, though until you make it a daily habit, you might be too busy to take a few moments to appreciate the wonders that exist in your life. WONDERMENT is a muscle that has to get exercised EVERY DAY. Each and every one of us has capacity for wonderment, it’s just that some of us haven’t worked that muscle for a while.

No one ever gets too old to begin exercising their wonderment muscle, and no one is too busy to excuse themselves out of exercising their wonderment muscle.

We know what it feels like to feel too worn out by life’s bumps and bruises to think that we had enough energy to feel wonderment, and what we realized is that the key to getting back up and healing, was to prioritize our energies for wonderment. A little bit of wonder goes a whole long way in energizing all of life’s possibilities.

Work your wonderment muscle, and you just may well be surprised at how much more possible and positive life really is.

Our life is in a transition...

Right now our possessions are in boxes, though our lives are still very much underway. Everything is in flux, we are in the midst of one giant leap from life in a big regular house with a foundation, to life in a tiny house on wheels, though right now our life is somewhere in between. The more we celebrate, appreciate and cherish the here and now, the more meaningful each day becomes.

It is substantial how life affirming having a house, having a home can be. Homes come in all shapes and sizes, and some come on wheels. Our new wooden tiny house on wheels will be our new home once it is finished enough to move in. In the meantime, we have a little retro camper trailer and a space in our friend’s house to be our temporary living areas. While some people may feel at ease moving around a lot and having a whole variety of living arrangements, we find ourselves in the midst of a new experience. Finding peace in each moment, makes feeling certainty less essential.

So what is the answer to the question,

What is it that makes daily life exceptional?

Our answer,

Wonderment. Wonder and awe make daily life exceptional.

We are documenting and sharing our inspiring tiny house journey,

and the adventures that are to come,

in inspiring tiny house lifestyle vlogs and blogs.

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We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. Together, we can inspire & uplift each other through sharing gratitude, joy, inspiration, and wonder with each other.

The WONDERful MUSIC that goes into underscoring our videos

is ALL licensed through Artlist.

Musical Artists heard in THIS FILM:

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In this film, all video & photos were filmed by the two of us with the exception of the following,

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Here in our Sea Tree Wonder adventures, we explore the beauty of the outdoors and natural wonders, share inspiring ideas for creating daily happiness, all while appreciating life's grand & simple "wonderments". Our videos include wonderful music and often dance! We are becoming tiny house dwellers and we are so excited to share those experiences with you too in many more upcoming FUN & inspiring video adventures.

Thank you for joining us as we all seek to appreciate & celebrate life's countless wonders!

THANK YOU for your support & appreciation of our video productions & “finding wonder” journey as we create these video adventures!

Your friends,

Wendy (Sequoia Win’Ni) & Megan

and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane

P.S. You can sign up (below) for our email newsletter to join in on the Wonder Journey. We’ll send you smiles, hugs, wonderments, encouragement and inspiration to your inbox each time we have a new weekly video episode to share.
