Megan & Sequoia

Nov 11, 20194 min

Episode #5. Leaves: Autumn’s Gift of Color & Fall Season’s Inspiration to Play

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

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This week’s inspirational “Finding Joy” video celebrates autumn’s colorful leaves & letting ourselves playfully enjoy the natural wonders of the fall season. Autumn is in motion & every colorful variation of yellow, orange, red, brown & green fills the outdoor world with beautiful brilliance. There is great WONDER, JOY & cause for APPRECIATION to find & experience in the fall season.

Somehow, Autumn has the unique ability to make all four seasons really special! Autumn is like the year-end party that celebrates all that happened in the growth of spring & summer, the abundance of harvest time, and toasts to the winter to come. As the leaves begin piling up like scattered clumps of party confetti, it’s a joy to let ourselves delight in the colorful leafy wonders.

The childhood autumn pastimes of playing in piles of leaves does not have to be an activity of the past. No matter how old any of us are in autumns experienced, we all can let ourselves experience its marvelous wonder as if it was our first. Through allowing ourselves to play & enjoy autumn wonders, we bring more positivity & inspiration into our daily lives. Having fun is fun. A simple thought, yet a powerfully uplifting phenomenon.

We encourage you to go “play” outside & enjoy the beauty of the natural world. If you can’t get outside today, at least find three things to appreciate… It’s fun if at least one of your causes for gratitude is a wonderment of nature.

Enjoy this autumn poem… it was inspired by the wonder we feel for this glorious autumn season.

Autumn is a Season

Poem by Megan

Autumn is a season

When leaves begin to fall

Sweaters come out for good reason

As signs of winter begin to call.

Leaves morph into dazzling new colors

And trees turn into earthly rainbows

As our lives are graced with these wonders

We keep our toes and fingers safe from possible froze.

The air is crisp with chill

As we reach for our gloves & scarves

So we can go outside and enjoy at will

The abundance of the year gone by and ensure no one starves.

Autumn is a season

To celebrate the beauty of transitions

As the temperatures begin to freeze in

And we appreciate the work of seasonal magicians.

Autumn is a season to play and reflect

To draw close to the ones we love

And remember to cherish rather than neglect

The beauty of each moment’s changes even while we put on each hand a glove.

~ Konane enjoying autumn's wonderments... and humoring his parents. ~

While we really enjoy the warm weather of summer, we find ourselves immensely grateful for living in a geographical location of seasonal changes. We delight in the colorful beauty of the autumn season. Leaves turning all sorts of colors, and falling all around us, is a natural party. We often say, “There’s nowhere else we would rather be than right here in this moment enjoying nature’s wonders.” Autumn has a delightfully mystical way of melting us into accepting the reality of the cold days of the imminent winter season to come.

Every year, autumn comes in one-of-a-kind ways. Last year was different than this year, and next year will certainly be different than this year. All we have for sure is the present moment to enjoy. As we open our hearts and minds to the countless wonders that fill our lives, finding joy and appreciating our blessings seems like the best adventure of each day no matter how warm or cold it is outside. Autumn’s wonders feels like sacred gifts from nature. Potential joy and causes for gratitude are everywhere amidst autumn wonders.

We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other.

Share with us in the COMMENT section below, (here on the Blog Post or on YouTube)

~ What is it about autumn that inspires you to feel wonder?

~ How do you enjoy the autumn season?

~ What is it that you appreciate most about autumn?

~If you do not have an autumn season where you live, share your thoughts about that…

Together, we can inspire & uplift each other through sharing gratitude, joy, inspiration, and wonder with each other.

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~ Uluru sharing her grace with all of us. ~


We create, film, and edit all our video episodes! In this episode, all video & photos were filmed by the two of us.

The wonderful music that goes into underscoring our videos is all licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode:

~ Ziv Moran, Paper Planes, Lane King, Hans Johnson, Kipp Wilde & Marc Robillard

Even though it takes a LOT OF TIME to create these videos, we are enjoying sharing our WONDER JOURNEY with you. Each video is sharing meaningful moments that we experience. We hope they are enjoyable and meaningful for you as well.

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THANK YOU again for your APPRECIATION & support of the Sea Tree Wonder journey!

You can watch all our videos by clicking this link to see our "All Episodes" YouTube playlist.

See you next week for a NEW video episode!

Cheers to finding daily wonders,

Wendy (Sequoia Win’Ni) & Megan

and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane

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