Megan & Sequoia

Oct 14, 20194 min

Video Premiere! "Happiness & Gratitude: The Wonder Journey Begins"

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

Click the VIDEO below and WATCH the premiere of the Sea Tree Wonder journey!!!

We are thrilled to reach this exciting moment of sharing our FIRST VIDEO EPISODE with you! The idea for the original journey of finding & celebrating life's wonders, joys and causes for gratitude has been years in the making. In the last couple years leading up to today, we have gone through a lot of life challenges and hardships in our personal lives. Depending upon our day to day outlooks and mindsets, the world's conflicts and troubles have lead to some feelings of hopeless frustration and angering concern. With all of these stresses and worries abounding, we found that we were letting these challenges bring us down and deplete our abilities to feel happy and excited in our daily lives. (And that is saying a lot, because we both are naturally very happy and optimistic people.)

So we decided that while challenges and hardships will always be present, our outlooks, attitudes, and habits could be directed into finding and experiencing more joy, gratitude, and wonder if we made it our quest. We realized this quest could be a journey that could help inspire us to find and feel wonder and joy even in the rough times. In addition to that, we realized we could inspire others if we shared this journey with the world in weekly video episodes, blog posts like this, photos on Instagram and Facebook, and sharing online and offline in person-to-person interactions.

The Sea Tree Wonder journey is about finding more wonder and joy each and every day. By sharing our finding wonder adventures with you each week in video episodes, we hope to become better wonder appreciators ourselves, and inspire you and others to find wonder, celebrate life’s joys, and find things to appreciate.

We know what it’s like to feel too tired and worn down by hardship to find joy, and we are done missing out on all the beauty that fills our blue, green, and love filled world. We are on a quest to bring more joy, gratitude, and wonder into our lives. Starting now, we are sharing our journey with you here, in weekly video episodes.

We invite you to join the wonder journey. Let’s build a community of people finding, experiencing, and sharing happiness, wonder, and gratitude with each other.

In this premiere episode we really wanted to introduce ourselves and let you know a bit of our life story and our special friendship...

As “life adventure buddies”, our truest relationship is described as “best friend sisters”, though we did come into this world as mother & daughter. Together, as equals, we are embarking on this wonder journey. As the truest of best friends, our relationship is special and we honor each other as equals. We are NOT into titles, so please refer to us by our names of Wendy and Megan, and let go of any titles of "mother" and/or "daughter". No matter how we chose to come into this world, our relationship is truly best described as "best friend sisters".

We drew, colored, and created all of the characters and objects represented in our "life story" animation section. It was fun bringing out the colored pencils and bringing our story into color in this week's video episode. Combining some stop motion with video to tell the story was a joy. (There will be more creative storytelling techniques used in the episodes to come!)

This video episode and future ones are all created, edited, and filmed by the two of us! Our video making tools? As we start our video making journey, we are filming our adventures on our two phones and a GoPro. We have a small microphone and a few simple tools to help us be film makers. We are really excited to continue developing our movie making skills! The wonderful music that goes into underscoring our videos is all licensed through Artlist.

In summary, embrace the definition of WONDER and let it inspire you to find wonder in your life TODAY!

In the comment section below, share with us something that inspires you to feel wonder :-)

Together let's build an online community of people finding, experiencing, and sharing joy, gratitude & wonder with each other. Connect, follow and share in the Sea Tree Wonder journey online!

Sea Tree Wonder on Youtube

Sea Tree Wonder on Facebook

Sea Tree Wonder on Instagram

Become a Sea Tree Wonder "Wonderist" on Patreon

THANK YOU for watching our Premiere Video Episode! This is the beginning of the WONDER ADVENTURE! So much is to come on the journey ahead…

~ If you LIKE our videos, be sure to give them a thumbs up. Thank you!

~ Share with us in the comment section below, what you appreciate in your daily life and what makes you feel wonder. We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY here and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other.

~ SUBSCRIBE to our Sea Tree Wonder Channel on youtube.

(NOTE! We need 100 subscribers to our channel in order to be able to get a custom website domain name on Youtube. "Subscribe" to our channel and help us grow and share the journey with others!)

~ SHARE this video with your friends and family.

Your likes, comments, subscriptions, and shares help the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the happier the world we can all help create!

Sign up for our email newsletter to join in on the Wonder Journey. We’ll send you smiles, hugs, wonderments, encouragement and inspiration to your inbox each time we have a new weekly video episode to share. Your email is safe, we will not send junk, spam or sell your information to anyone!



Wendy (Sequoia Win’Ni) & Megan

and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane
